With age, our muscles slacken and the skin loses its elasticity. For the eyelids, this results in folds in the upper lids and deepening creases in the lower lids. Also, the slackening of muscle beneath the skin allows the fat which cushions the eyes in their sockets to bulge forwards to give the appearance of bagginess. In some families there is an inherited tendency for bags to develop during early adulthood.
Folds, creases and bagginess often seem worse in the morning, particularly after periods of stress and lack of sleep. This is because fluid that is normally distributed throughout the body when it is upright tends to settle in areas where the skin is loose, such as the eyelids, when a person is lying down.
The ageing process can also cause drooping of the eyelids, and folds of skin to gather in the upper eyelids. Sometimes there is so much skin that the upper lids hang over the eyelashes.